Sunday 30 August 2015

Upcoming Updates

Good news everyone! From next week onwards I'm going to be updating Revolver every fortnight. Why? It allows some of the people reading this (and other sites I go on) a chance to play the game as it updates rather than just reading my half-arsed notes on it. This means more chance for feedback and should lead to a much better game overall. Notes on development will be improving again from next week onwards too as I spend more time developing. As for now, here is this weeks dev log:

-Coded the basic layout for the note display.

-Added a second type of terminal that allows players to find flavour text. To help with using these terminals (as well as the objective one and note collection) a promt to press 'E' comes up when the player can interact with an object.
-Zoomed in the screen view to 1.6 the screen size. Feels better.
-Changed the surface colour from black to an incredibly dark blue, makes the screen a little easier to look at.
-Added a blood particle effect for shooting the zombers.
-Tweaked how the interaction works between the player and terminals. Terminals are no longer children of the oSolid parent object.

Finally I'm able to add story stuff! Players will receive chunks of story/lore/flavour text via collectable notes, readable terminals (blue rather than the green of the objective terminals) and by being contacted by the helper character at the start of many levels. It's a simple albeit a bit clunky of a mechanic but it'll serve it's purpose pretty well I think. It will also offer players a little moment of respite from being chased to buggery.

That's pretty much all the news from me this week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you want to give Revolver a try go here. (Note the updates above aren't part of the game yet!)


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