Sunday 26 July 2015

Delicious Revolver Progress

Being back on developing Revolver has been a load of fun and it feels good to finally have all the levels finished (tiles and polish still need to be added of course) and I've began important work in several other areas such as the AI and helper character. Here is this weeks Dev Log:

-Worked on rFortyThirdFloor. Have a really nice design for it now.
-Started work on building the helper object. Got it to aim and shoot but the sprite isn't rotating yet and I need to then allow it to move along a path, preferably.
-The helper now turns to fire.
-The helper now can follow a predefined path and faces the way he is walking. It's going to need polish to look good but for now I think it works pretty well.

-Smoothed out the helpers path in my tests. Already looking much better.
-Continued work on rFortyThirdFloor.
-Finished basic layout of rFortyThirdFloor and furnished with some pickups.

-Finished rFortyThirdFloor & began work on rRoof, the final level.

-Finished basic layout of rRoof including helper movement, pickups, turrets and the like.

-Altered zombie AI so that they will only begin to chase the player if: there is a direct LoS between them and the player(no walls blocking), or the player shines their flashlight on them through a wall.
Might alter some more at a later date but it is much better than the previous chase if within X pixels. I did keep that for two particular levels however where that suits better.
-Decided to remove spirits from the game for now. With a soon to be implements zombie wander code the sudden chase from spirits seems less fun than before. Might edit and put back in but for now they are gone.

Not more to say to be honest. I'm making progress again and that is good. This week I'll hopefully be getting a lot more of the stuff that really makes the game feel better done. That's the plan at least.


Sunday 19 July 2015

Back In Action

It's over! Assignments are done, I've moved back home and I'm getting back to work on Revolver among other things. I'm taking the weekend slow but I've already managed to get a basic layout of the penultimate room done and I've started doing some pixel art practise (which I'll post below). All in all I'm really excited to be getting stuff done again and I can't wait to share my progress, something which I will be doing much more of over the coming weeks. No dev log again this week I'm afraid but here is that art I was talking about:

Decaying Planet

As you can see it is still lacking much detail but I think you get the idea. I'm hoping to get it done sometime this week. As for the software I'm using, for anyone who might be interested, it's called GIMP (Graphic Image Manipulation Program?) and I've grown quite fond of it. It's the same software I used to make my twitter avatar which is actually the logo of a fictional group I've invented. It's pretty simple to get the hand of and appears quite good for pixel art, although not being an expert I can't really say much on that front, but it has definitely suited my purposes.

Anyway I'm going to get back to whatever it is I'm going to do today.


Sunday 12 July 2015

Work of a Different Kind

I've had a pretty good week all things considered. Even though my sleeping pattern is pretty much non-existent, I've managed to make great progress in my final uni assignment and I've even managed to write the whole of the story side of Revolver which is a chunk I've actually been worried about getting done for a while. All I've got to do on that front now is take what I've got and sprinkle it throughout the game as messages from the helper character & notes you'll find lying around. As I mentioned last week I'm still not doing programming stuff on Revolver and instead concentrating on my assignments up until its finished, so as I've been saying for far too long now, not much to say this week! I can't wait to get back to work on Revolver and start updating this blog with much more interesting game dev stuff, I'll be spending a lot of time working on it when I'm back home.

Anyway, have a nice day and I'll be back next week with something, hopefully, much more interesting.


Sunday 5 July 2015

A Vital Setback

Between personal problems and a big ass Java assignment, development of Revolver has hit a real slow pace. I'm not apologising for this though. After having a couple of weeks of struggling to get up before the late afternoon, difficulties with motivation & other things besides, what little time I've been able to work effectively (not just staring blankly at my screen) I have been trying to spend on said assignment. I really, really don't want to have to do this module again next year. All this said development on Revolver is going to take a short break up until this module is finished on the 17th of July. Hopefully I'll be feeling a little less shit by then and I'll be able to get working solidly on Revolver again. Lord knows I'd like to get this game finished sooner rather having even more delays. For the sake of tradition here is the weeks Revolver dev log:

-Finished basic layout of rSkyEntrance.
-Improved the look of the terminals, by putting them half into walls. Yes really.

Not much else to write about this week. I want to get just a little further in Person of Interest before I write anything about it.
