Sunday 21 June 2015

Traits Complete!

This week has been pretty good to me. I've still been concentrating on other things than Revolver but I made a lot of important progress yesterday including the addition of MINES. I've wanted to add mines for a while and now there is even a trait that allows players to place a few per level. Combining the mines (which fire 24 bullets each on explosion) with the bounce bullets trait garners some hilarious and quite deadly results. With the addition of these traits the system is now complete bar moving them about a bit to balance, but I need to do the testing before that can happen. Here's the dev log for the past week:

-Designed a traits.

-Altered medkits so that they regenerate health rather than instantly heal.
-Rebalanced characters so that all have valuble positive stats but some have negative stats.
-Added Regenerative Medicine trait. Triples the heal rate of medkits making them take effect really quick.

-Designed last 3 traits.

-Added mines. When they explode they release a load of bullets that hurt both players and enemies. Mines can be detonated by both players and zombies and the bullets it fires are effected by bounce & pierce traits making
them incredibly powerful and dangerous.
-Added Shredder Rounds trait. Gives shots against zombies a 10% to deal double damage.
-Added Luminescence trait. Flares deal a small amount of damage against zombies. Damage stops when they reach 1 hp.
-Added Frag Mine trait. Player doesn't detonate mines (still hurt by bullets though) and can place three per map with "X".

Unfortunately I haven't been playing many new games recently, just Civ V and dirty bomb so I don't really have anything to write here again. Drat. I did start watching an interesting show called person of interest which I'll probably talk about some time but for now I'm going to keep this short and sweet for another week.


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