Sunday 10 May 2015

The slow period

Hot damn have I got so little done this week. Thanks to an annoying mix of uni coursework and upcoming exams I haven't really done much in the way of Revolver developments and sadly that'll probably continue throughout next week. It's always a shame when I have to stop work on something I enjoy for a while but, getting my degree is kinda important so I don't mind. Hopefully all things going well I should be back developing like I like to do after a week on Monday. That's the plan at least. Here's this weeks Revolver Dev Log:

-Removed the wave counter and improved the spawning and level selection code.
-Added a basic muzzleflash after much effort.
-Made a start with tiles by making a basic wall tile. Wont add these properly until the full level design is finished.
-Added a bullet speed variable that I can use later to add a really cool bullet time trait.

-Worked on several levels.

-Created a couple of metal floor tiles.
-Added a bullet time and maximum revolver capacity trait, both are fun.
-Each starting character now has an individual sprite. Surprisingly nice effect it has.

-Created a system that tells the player what traits they already have during selection. Combine this with a proper randomly picked trait and not showing already picked traits and we have a good solid system.

So as you can see a little less than usual got done in the past week, still I was able to add some muzzle flash (albeit a little crap) and I've added a nice feature that highlights traits the player already has when they are on the selection screen:

Mmmm that bland GUI. Also of note how the player can currently re-pick traits they already have. I need to fix that.

That's all for this week I'm afraid. I need to get some revision done today before I head out for dinner with the family so I'll leave talking about other stuff for another week.


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