-Worked on rFortyThirdFloor. Have a really nice design for it now.
-Started work on building the helper object. Got it to aim and shoot but the sprite isn't rotating yet and I need to then allow it to move along a path, preferably.
-The helper now turns to fire.
-The helper now can follow a predefined path and faces the way he is walking. It's going to need polish to look good but for now I think it works pretty well.
-Smoothed out the helpers path in my tests. Already looking much better.
-Continued work on rFortyThirdFloor.
-Finished basic layout of rFortyThirdFloor and furnished with some pickups.
-Finished rFortyThirdFloor & began work on rRoof, the final level.
-Finished basic layout of rRoof including helper movement, pickups, turrets and the like.
-Altered zombie AI so that they will only begin to chase the player if: there is a direct LoS between them and the player(no walls blocking), or the player shines their flashlight on them through a wall.
Might alter some more at a later date but it is much better than the previous chase if within X pixels. I did keep that for two particular levels however where that suits better.
-Decided to remove spirits from the game for now. With a soon to be implements zombie wander code the sudden chase from spirits seems less fun than before. Might edit and put back in but for now they are gone.
Not more to say to be honest. I'm making progress again and that is good. This week I'll hopefully be getting a lot more of the stuff that really makes the game feel better done. That's the plan at least.
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