Here is the log on Revolver for the past two weeks:
-Turret kills now do not give the player XP.
-Created basic version of the blockade enemy. Not sure if worth continuing with so will leave out for now.
-Started work on a new room. Got the pit object to work meaning levels can have a little more variety compared to just having walls everywhere the player now has huge chasms blocking their path.
-New room is a about 1/3 finished. Building it up and then sticking great ass chasms everywhere.
-Finished basic layout for rOpenSpace, the large chasm filled room.
-Made a poisonous gas object that will cover the edges of the room to deters the player from leaving the game area by dealing massive damage to them.
-Began editing rTest to accomodate this gas by increasing the room size and adding it to the edges while shifting the room around.
-Finished and shifted the whole of rOpenSpace to accomodate the new gas objects.
-Reduced view so the player has a smaller view of the map (think zoomed in).
-Finished architecture for rOpenSpace. Furnished area with turrets, ammo and healthkits. Also added spawning for this room.
-Altered the spirit sprite slightly to make it look less shit.
-Small tweaks with the player sprite and flashlight to make it look much nicer.
-Turned rOpenSpace into rChasm as it is a more fitting name. Now creating a real open space kinda map.
-Redesigned rOpenSpace to increase combat. Need to set turrets on this level to only hurt the enemy.
-Messed with views and found that it changes differently sized rooms differently making some look good but the tall rooms look like dick.
-Worked on screen stuff to try to set up the screens better. Still tired from uni work but will begin getting back into the swing of things tomorrow.
-Fixed the screen bug. Turns out I just didn't have the view code in rOpenSpace's creation code.
-Started and mostly finished rPrison, a new map. Thinking more about details for maps like tables, doors etc. Adding these and making the levels seem more like real buildings rather than bizzarre mazes would greatly improve aethetics.
-Tweaked chase distances for enemies and added a sound effect for a spirit chasing. Fixed a bug I didn't notice with oFlashlight not being created properly.
As you can see I've been concentrating on level building mostly which has actually been a lot of fun. As much as I enjoy programming, taking some time to design and build levels (especially with the goal to make them play and feel generally different) is really enjoyable. Here are some pictures below:
Important things to note here. Firstly, I really, really need to add some decorative stuff to the maps now that I'm attempting to make them look like real places. Tables, chairs, doors, beds, furniture basically just the give the game a bit more colour and look a bit more real. They could also serve some sort of application in gameplay too. Maybe I'll make them work like the big black pits do in that no-one (apart from the spirit enemy) can go through them but the player and turrets can shoot over? Either that or I'll make it purely decorative. Secondly, while I originally decided on the setting I wanted the levels to be randomly chosen but I'm getting a feeling that it would work better in a sequential order with dabs of story thrown in here and there.
As for what I've been doing in my downtime I've actually found myself spending more and more time playing short bursts of little games. Two in particular come to mind. Hoplite and Dungeon Warfare. Hoplite to me is like a weird first person chess game. You and the enemies take turns in a large hexagonal room either making moves or attacking in variety of ways. You, the player have a bash ability, spear throw and leap with each being able to be vastly improved at prayer shrines found on every floor. A neat little trailer can be found here: I really do love this little game and how each run feels so different even though each floor always seems to have the same enemies. Oh and the basic version of the game, with no achievements (which unlock extra abilities) is totally free, so you have no excuse not to try it.
Magma Fortress's Blog (Hoplite):
Dungeon Warfare is an amazingly satisfying game. For me personally it's a brutally difficult tower defence game with a huge plethora of traps to plant which deal with the huge range of irritating good guys trying to reach your portal. The game play involves fighting multiple waves of these "good guys" and you mashing them, spearing them or throwing them in pits in several different ways just to keep them from reaching your portals. It's very fun and somewhat addictive but I've found each level can be beating in a pretty short burst, you're not going for a perfect run that is; and although it's only in it's (10th?) alpha build a lot of the core game is there. A huge range of levels, traps and other goodies are available for you to play with but be prepared to play with the easy mode on to start with, I had to at least. Here's a trailer just for you:
Personally I'd recommend playing it on a website like Kongregate or Armor Games first as I did find the cost on Steam a little high, although that said the amount of content you get is pretty damn high with 20+ levels all those traps I mentioned, and endless mode and difficulty modifiers. My favourite way of adding difficulty levels to games I might add. Just give it a try first and see if it is for you. It was for me, and still is.
Anyway that's all from me for now. As always following me on twitter is the best way to see what I'm up to, if I ever post that is.
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