It's over! Assignments are done, I've moved back home and I'm getting back to work on Revolver among other things. I'm taking the weekend slow but I've already managed to get a basic layout of the penultimate room done and I've started doing some pixel art practise (which I'll post below). All in all I'm really excited to be getting stuff done again and I can't wait to share my progress, something which I will be doing much more of over the coming weeks. No dev log again this week I'm afraid but here is that art I was talking about:
Decaying Planet
As you can see it is still lacking much detail but I think you get the idea. I'm hoping to get it done sometime this week. As for the software I'm using, for anyone who might be interested, it's called GIMP (Graphic Image Manipulation Program?) and I've grown quite fond of it. It's the same software I used to make my twitter avatar which is actually the logo of a fictional group I've invented. It's pretty simple to get the hand of and appears quite good for pixel art, although not being an expert I can't really say much on that front, but it has definitely suited my purposes.
Anyway I'm going to get back to whatever it is I'm going to do today.
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