Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Ludum Dare Done & Future Goals

IT'S DONE! I've finished my first ever Ludum Dare game jam. Following the theme of "You Are The Monster" I created a simple defence game called (creatively) "You Are The Minotaur" which you can download and play here (only available for windows I'm afraid). You can also visit the LDJam page here. The game involves exploring a maze and crushing silly heroes who try to steal your treasure. You can also place two varieties of trap to help defend. It's super simple but I did only have three days to build it so what do you expect!

I was going to keep a dev log like I usually do for Revolver but I figured I'd just do a quick write up when it's all over. Kinda like this.

Development Overview:

What went well:
-Learnt loads of new stuff. Improved my ability with path finding, learnt how to clip stuff to a grid (super useful for tower defence games and the like) and improved my graphical ability.
-Got out of my rut
-Managed to create a reasonably well polished game
-Had a lot of fun
-Improved my planning ability

What went not so well:
-Had a real problem with a few mechanics
-Should have spent a little more time developing the idea before jumping headlong into a particular idea. There are many other genres of game I could have made but I ended with another top-down game
-Some sound effects I wasn't able to make decent enough with bfxr and couldn't find a decent alternative in time

Overall I'm proud of what I made, and while it may not the best game ever I feel I've done a really good job and had a lot of fun doing it.

For those interested I spent approximately 20 or so hours of the last three days programming, composing music, drawing graphics and anything else to make it.

Future Goals:
So here's a quick run-down of my plans for the near future.
-Finish Revolver. This is top-priority, I need to get this finished and released because christ it has been way overdue. I still like the game & the ideas, don't get me wrong but I want to work on other stuff too!

-Build a website. Somewhere that connects all the stuff together. Game downloads, this blog, twittet, etc.

-Learn Unity. Game Maker is all well and good but I believe learning Unity will allow me much more freedom in what I make than Game Maker can offer me. We'll see.

-Develop a mobile game/app. This is where it's at. Mobile games are big these days and only getting more popular. If I want success this is the place to go at. On top of all that though as someone who has only recent got a smartphone I really want to try to push the boat out on what games I can make with touch-screen and on smaller devices. This is more distant future though.

All in all, I should be busy for a while yet!



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