Sunday, 24 May 2015

Revolver Returns!

Huzzah! With exams out of the way nothing can stop the progress on Revolver, apart from student finance, placements and other personal issues. Ahhh joy. Jokes aside though I am getting back to work with Revolver and making some good progress in certain areas. A lot of tweaking, a couple more "finished" (I still need to add finishing touches) levels, some AI fixes and the like. All in all a not bad start. Here's the Dev log for your eyes only:

-Worked on rFactory & rLFireTesting.

-Worked on rScience.

-Worked on rScience. Touched up previous levels to make them look more like real places. Added pits to represent where the table, shelves, etc. will go, as the player can't walk through such things but can shoot over them. Makes the maps way more interesting to play and look at than loads of blank rooms.
-Added some code that allows zombies to be pushed off walls they collide with.
-Altered sprites slightly, to fix weird looking heads.

-Tweaked more past levels
-Made several tiles including: shelf tops and carpets.

-Finalised basic design of rScience.
-Tweaked spawning code across levels.
-Discovered that many enemies that can't move (due to being spawned trapped between walls and the levels edge) are teleporting to the top left corner. I need to either: alter the spawn code so this doesn't occur at all, remove enemies that enter the top left corner so that they respawn (kill or teleport), or alter the path-finding so that they can get around the outside of the room.

Discovery that I can add pits as tables, shelves or anything else the player can shoot over (which the pit objects allow) and then add tiles to simply make them look like tables, shelves, etc. was a stroke of genius! Maybe I'm being a bit over the top there (I totally am) but it's still a great solution to the problem of how I furnish the many, many rooms in the many levels. Now I can fill a room with shelves or have large areas filled with offices, it really does make the maps look and play that more interestingly.

Speaking of playing things I have two pieces of news. Firstly my video log will be made next week. I've had a few issues with the software I tried to use during testing it (I attempted to make a short video I could make into a gif and post on Twitter) but I believe I have the kinks sorted. All I've got left to do is install the very nice mic my brother got me and give it a shot. Hopefully it'll be up some time this week. That's what I'm trying to do at least. Secondly, you may have been thinking at some point, "When will I get to play Revolver?". Good news on that front then because I'm officially aiming for an mid July release. I was originally going to say end of June but an extra week or two dedicated to polish & bug fixes I think is a good idea. You might also think, "Where will I be able to get a hold of Revolver?". At the moment the main location you'll be able to get a copy of Revolver is HERE. That's when it's released of course. I'll probably be putting it in other places too but I'll make sure to mention where, if I do.

That's all for this week, and I'm realising more and more that I need a better way of finishing these posts.


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