Seriously though I've been really busy this week with university, having two assignments for next week and a job interview for my placement year happening last Friday on the 6th of March; so I've got pretty much nothing done. That said I have been setting up a more interesting system for my world timeline.
The world has a total of 5 Eras with each sharing similarities technologically to 5 distinct sections of humanities past. The 1st Era has most civilisations living tribally or as nomads, the 2nd Era is most similar to ancient civilisations like Romans, Greeks, Egyptians etc., the 3rd is akin to the middle ages, the 4th Era Renaissance and the 5th Victorian. To make writing a gargantuan timeline spanning all that time for multiple different races I split each era into three parts: early, mid and late and for each of these parts I write about what I call the 8 societal aspects.
8 Societal Aspects:
Social (Population Concentration): What size communities do people live in? Do people flock to cities or are most living rurally? In early eras it's more whether people are living in villages, cities etc. but in later eras it's more to do with kingdoms and empires and how/where people live in those
Economic (Trade & Commerce): Does an economy exist? Is trade commonplace and how does it work? Basically how does a civilisations economy work
Philosophy (Religion): What do people of this race/species believe in? Is there a structured religion? I thought this was important as a lot of civilisations have had religion as an important factor in how they developed
Politics (Leadership): How are leaders elected? Does a government exist and if so what type?
Culture (Art & Music): What is art like? How is music played? This one is actually really hard to write about without actually creating said art/music, which I am planning on doing at some point but it is obviously important
Military (Weaponry & Tactics): How are people murdering each other and what with? What military tactics are in use?
Industry/Technology: What technologies are being invented? What industries have been developed? this is vital in understanding what state/time the civilisation is in
Magic: How much has magic been understood? What magic is used and how common is its use? Magic is a unique one in that it has no reference to the real world and so it allows a lot more freedom. Magic in my world is actually more scientific with a huge amount of it being understood later so in later eras magic and technology merge a lot more
Anyway I hope that was somewhat interesting and when I've finished a race I'll post their whole timeline to read. Cos' I'm nice like that I guess.
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