Sunday, 6 December 2015

Goals for the Year's End

Here are the main goals for Revolver by the year's end (when I'm finishing working on it). They are ordered by importance, and while I would love to fully complete them all this is a lot of work to complete in less than a month. We'll see I guess.

1) Tiling: All levels will be fully tiled to an acceptable level of detail. At the moment about half the levels are close to this with most of the tiles having been drawn for the remaining levels. Each levels takes less time than the previous to tile so I should have this finished pretty easily.

2) Fully realised mechanics: There are only really two aspects of gameplay that need finalising. First is a mechanic that stops the enemy monsters sharing the same space as the player/one another, which works pretty well but can get the player stuck occasionally. The second is a second enemy that doesn't attack the player but gives a slight buff to one zombie at a time. This enemy needs a little work but it's main functionality is done.

3) Ending: At the moment you get to the last level and it's an unbeatable wave of endless enemies that amounts to nothing. So yeah, that needs finishing. Plans for this are: several minute survival with a nice rain particle effect and a final ending screen for when you beat this level. The rest is finished.

4) Game Over: Currently when you die you just restart at the beginning of the game (you can reload your save from here though). It needs to be much more obvious when the player dies otherwise it's just a confusing experience for all involved.

5) Music: This is a big one. I need to work on and get some decent music in this game pronto because I believe this will actually make a pretty big difference on the overall quality of the game. Currently it is waaay too quiet so any addition would be very beneficial.

6) Options: Changing controls, audio levels and the like.

Ludum Dare is coming around again and I will be taking part in it. I had a lot of fun last time, learnt a lot and overall found the experience to be well worth the effort. Hopefully this time I'll do a little better but I will have slightly less time than before with work and all that. Wish me luck!
