Sunday, 25 January 2015

My First Game

This week there is some bad news and some good news, and I'll start with the bad. I'm putting The Pyromancer on stand by for now. Honestly I'm just not enjoying writing it anymore and I've only got myself to blame. I planned it too much and I ended up not getting the content built up quick enough and I'm pretty burnt out (heh) with the whole project so I'm putting it to one side while I work on other things. I may go back to it at some point but no promises. 

Speaking of working on other things. I've made my first game! I based it off of the one Pentadact (Tom Francis) has been building in his tutorials, but I've gone off the rails to add a few features I like and learn other neat things, like sprite replacements on cross-hairs so you can tell who is an enemy. Neat stuff. The game itself is a real simple top down shooter with a power-up, gradual difficulty and a few enemy types. Nothing fancy but I'd like to think it's fun to play.

The aim of the game is to get your score to 5000. Your score is increased by collecting ship parts (floaty blue things) and destroying enemy ships (reddish, gray things). Getting hurt makes your ship smaller, and if it gets too small it will explode! Don't worry though, your ship will rebuild itself if you have 500 points to spare. Each blast you fire also costs you 1 point so be careful. If you hit 0 points you lose the game and should probably try again. Any other tips are in the intro screen of the game itself.

Here is a Direct Download Link that'll download the .exe to install the game. If you use a mac I'm not sure that you can play it and I'm not sure how to get it to you. I am new to all of this so bear with. Oh and I'd really appreciate feedback for this, if you have any, and I don't mind where you throw it. Twitter would be best for me because it'd keep it in small bits but wherever you put it it'll be fine as long as I can see it.

In other news I've began creating characters based on my room-mates. I plan on getting all the generic bios created by next week where I'll post them on here for feedback. It's actually been a really fun process so far, with myself essentially asking market research questions and seeing what I can find out about my friends that could make them into interesting characters. I only have 1 completed so far but I've certainly had a lot of fun with it and I hope the others have too.

I'm not going to recommend anything this week for two reasons. Firstly I've been really busy with Uni and getting this game presentable by today. Secondly I've pretty much been playing the same games, and watching he same shows, apart from one which I'll finish this week and talk about next week, and listening to the same music. So honestly there isn't anything I want to talk about this week. So that's that I guess.


Sunday, 18 January 2015

Pos Vibes and Making Games

I've been making leaps and bounds in Game Maker thanks to Tom Francis's tutorials and I am so glad for it. Really, if you want to make games please give it a try because it is surprisingly simple to make a little game that you and your friends can enjoy, and if they do you might just have found a hobby worth pursuing. I'll probably upload the game, in whatever state it is in, next week.

Other than that, this week I've been continuing on with writing The Pyromancer which admittedly is still going slow, but steady. I'm still enjoying it but I am finding it less fun than when I first started. My plan of action is to keep going at the pace I am and hopefully get it finished somewhere down the line. I've been working on inventing creatures for the world as a whole too which has been incredibly interesting. I've been researching loads of species finding out how they survive and how they have adapt to a particular niche and then applying it to whatever I can invent. It's been hugely fun and a great exercise in creative writing.

This week, on the 15th of January, one of my favourite musical acts, Starship Amazing (Derek Alexander (Melodies) & Calvin Hansen (Beats)) went on an indefinite hiatus after releasing the two song album 20XX. Known for their positive vibes (both musically and on screen), great beats and fantastically catchy synth melodies, this pair have been the BGM to my past few years and probably many years to come. From the light and delicate - Ya'll stop Bloggin', the dark - An Apocalypse In Binary, and the downright funky - Ruby Dagger, this pairing has proved that they can make a memorable song that makes any boring event into an amazing one. Their use of electronic instruments and varying kick-ass beats, honestly I can't the praises for these two enough and if I were to try we'd be here for days. Instead I'm going to take my favourite song from each album and explain why I like it.

A quick note that I'm not going to cover their 3 singles, Bonk (You Got Bonked)//Wrong Way, Space Jam//Neon Bowling & 20XX because personally I'm not a huge fan of singles although these three are very, very good. I'm also not covering Career Suicide because that is a remix album, albeit a pretty good one, or Robot Trilogy because that is a composite album of the first three. I'd actually recommend that new listeners start on Robot Trilogy for two reasons.

1) It combines many great songs from the first three albums giving you a nice range of what Starship has to offer.

2) It's free. Which is always nice.

Scoops The Robot - Scoops, The Natural Born Cuddler:
Firstly that is a cute as hell name. This song has a such an awesome melody that goes on throughout and the slow build up at the beginning is brilliant. I love the way the parts are slowly added. I find with this song, that each part works so with each other creating this glorious piece that is so damn uplifting. The electronic sounds are well chosen and the drum loops are wonderful. Oh and that piano bit that starts about 02:23 is just one the most lovely bits of music I have ever heard.

An Apocalypse In Binary - The Bleak Glory, The Grand Symphony:
This song is punchy, guttural and all over pretty damn big. The whole song shouts at you, the call and response melodies and the deep, pounding drum beats hit you hard, really hard. And the choir part over the top adds so much needed drama to the whole affair. Listening to this feels like you are on the edge of the apocalypse yourself and looking into a great abyss of endless power. Power. That's how I'd sum up the feeling of this one.

Broken Robots - Destroy This Memory:
For a song from a B sides album I think this one is a real winner. The soft piano and synth melody works so well over the punchy drum beat and repeating string harmony. I actually find this song quite emotional, which is something I always find impressive for songs without vocals. The way this song conveys emotion through so few instruments, and does it so well no less shows how good these two are. That ending section is fantastic.

Ya'll Stop Bloggin' - Ya Burnt:
Anyone who's watched Video Games Awesome should know this one! This is probably one of the most bouncy uplifting songs I've ever heard. The beat in this song just keeps going and going and I love it. Once again the melodic riffs are great all the way though and the synth that sounds like a cat is awesome. Note: Said synth may not actually be a cat but that's the way I've always seen it so bite me.

A Man Who Made A Choice - Search Order From Satan:
The slow grinding bass, haunting melodies and big drums are what, for me at least, make this song really stand out. I've always thought this song would make a good fit for a backdrop of a dystopian future city. I really like how the song goes back and forth from its main tune, with the big bass, into short somewhat creepy melodies. This song has what I tend to call good flow, which is something that I hope you understand when you listen to it. Which you should.

Ruby Dagger - Any Ghost That Would Bother Us:
This may just be my favourite song ever. The second this song starts with its quick and funky intro you know you are in for a good time. The catchy flowing tune over the funky as hell drums is ambrosia to me. I love the little break bit at 1:40 that changes the pace for a moment giving the listener a little breather before the song goes into a variation of the main theme. Which then itself flows through another little break and out into a brilliant ending which follows the main tune and slowly fades out. Honestly this whole album is fantastic but this song alone stands a tier above for me.

I find writing about music really hard, so I hope I got across something coherent here. Anyway if you want to listen to these tunes yourself you should go to the Starship Amazing bandcamp which can be found here:


Monday, 12 January 2015

Learning Game Maker

Although I wasn't really planning on it I started learning how to use game maker this week. Tom Francis, the creator of Gunpoint and Heat Signature decided to begin an online tutorial for complete beginners. Which I am. Honestly this is one of the best tutorials for learning anything I've come across. It's enjoyable and while Tom keeps it simple it is never patronising. I really recommend this to anyone who wants to make video games. It's pretty new and I can't wait to see where this goes. Here is the link to the playlist:

In other news I've began writing more again and am making good progress. I've returned to world building again working on a particularly interest aspect that I'll reveal, and talk about, in a week or two. Other than that I've made progress in university and I'm having a proper go at learning drawing using the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. I'll be talking about that at some point to. Probably.

If you like weird as a central theme and enjoy (for use of a better word) a story that's mostly upsetting. You'll probably like LISA. Honestly giving specifics about this game is something that could ruin the experience as a whole so I'll just talk about the mechanics and main themes of the game and let you make your own mind up about it.

In this game you play as Brad. Martial artist, badass and arsehole. An addict to a drug called Joy that he uses to suppress dark memories, he is an incredibly interesting character and I love the fact that there is a mechanic around his addiction. There is a point in the game I have reached (it's actually quite early) which takes a lot of the sympathy you might have for this guy and throws it out of the window. All his addiction and bad attitude suddenly comes to a head in an interesting scene. It's the one with Rick and the wooden pylon, for anyone who has played it.

As well as Brad you get to have a huge cast of weirdos each with unique and interesting skills/personalities that help paint how crap the world is. As I said this game is a real downer. I mainly stick with the same several guys but the amount of variety you can get is really cool. Theme wise this game is mostly about sacrifice with a common element being a dilemma. Often you'll have a choice between having a party member killed (permanently) or losing something else. At the moment my version of Brad only has one arm. My favourite bit about this mechanic (which is really great story wise) is that it actually has an effect on gameplay. It's not just moral for the player but making a moral choice could actually make the game much harder as it has in my case. It is really interesting stuff.

The music in this game. Oh god is it fucking fantastic. It's weird all the way through but each song is different, interesting to listen to and some are downright badass or incredibly emotional. Here is an example of one of my favourites:

That drum bit is hilarious.

All in all this game is one that is certainly worth a try if like the weird or insane, or if you just want a story that is as heartbreaking as it is awesome.


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

A New Year

Sorry it's a bit late but I've been tired and busy. My web dev is finally done (albeit a bit shit) and now I'm working in a big group project in uni which involves a lot of neat tech and software stuff. Raspberry pi's, NFC, Augmented Reality tech and low energy bluetooth beacons to name a few.

Project-wise I've began running an idea of having people play roles in my world. I'll assign a character to an actual person and when/if it comes to me writing about said character I'll give that person the decisions to make. I think it'll be fun, generate some interest and take a little of the load off of me. Honestly I've been so busy recently that I haven't got much writing done but I'm still working on The Pyromancer bit by bit and I'm looking into doing some Unity work soon, hopefully in a few weeks time I'll have something to show, but no promises.

Electro-Swing is probably the genre that I like the most. I came across it out of nowhere and have explored it in depth since I discovered it over 2 years ago. Goldfish is a band I put into this genre. Kinda. They are a South African band that mix jazzy saxophone and piano with kick-ass beats, synth and some pretty good vocals. As I've never been a fan of describing music I'll just post a couple of songs that I think sum up the band pretty well. Enjoy.

You can find their music on iTunes or Amazon. Here is their website too:
